With the resurgence of interest in 1970s aviator style eyeglass frames, Porsche has decided to relaunch the P´8478 model. The frame is made of titanium – a super-
You can opt for a gold frame with brown and mirrored blue lens pairs, a titanium-colored frame with mirrored gray gradient and unmirrored green lenses, a gray matt frame with green and mirrored dark orange lenses, or a sleek black matt frame with mirrored olive or unmirrored brown lenses.
If you love the idea of Porsche eyewear and want an original vintage for your regular (non-sun) glasses, we have on hand one pair of a similar model, the 5627, which dates back to the 1980s. The frame is semi-rimless with an innovative design featuring a nylon cord that stretches over both lenses – a truly unique feat of engineering that you could only expect from a superior industrial design company like Porsche. This is a never-worn pair in pristine condition, and we offer it for only $187 (compared to $330 by other retailers for the sunglass counterpart). Come in and try them on for a trip back to the Age of Aquarius.
Close up of innovative nylon cord mechanism for the 5627 model.